コンピュータトレーニング教材制作、YouTube パートナーのアテイン株式会社(本社:東京都千代田区神田須田町2-19-8酒井ビル、電話:03-3255-4721、代表取締役:本多成人、資本金:1億1470万円)は、YouTube上にて運営する自社のチャンネル「日本通TV」で、「外出時の着物マナー」と「着くずれてしまった」際の直し方がわかる動画を7月5日に公開します。
Attain Corporation, which is the producer of teaching materials for computer training and the partner of YouTube (Headquarters: Sakai building, 2-19-8, Kandasuda-chou, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0041 Japan, TEL 03-3255-4721, President: Shigeto Honda, Common Stock: 114.7 million Yen) will publish the videos “The manners when you go out in Kimono” and “How to dress Kimono decently when it gets out of shape” on the company’s YouTube channel “Nippon Tsu TV” and “How to Japan TV” on July 5th.
In “Nippon Tsu TV” and “How to Japan TV”, Attain Corporation distributes videos to introduce Japanese tourist attractions and culture to the foreigners, who want to travel through Japan or study in Japan. Attain also produces videos to present different local companies that would like to attract tourists or demonstrate their production process of the typical Japanese food or artifacts.
This time, two videos regarding the Kimono have been uploaded. In the video “The manners when you go out in Kimono”, you can learn the appropriate manners in case you leave the house wearing a Kimono. This video explains how to stand correctly, how to behave when eating, how to walk, what you have to be careful about when you enter a toilet, how you can gracefully go up and down the stairs, how to enter a car, how to sit on a chair, how to pick something up, and where you can put your cell phone.
The second video, “How to dress Kimono decently when it gets out of shape”, demonstrates how to temporarily fix minor issues when the Kimono gets out of shape.
The videos are published in Japanese and English. The English version includes the English voice and English subtitles.
The manners when you go out in Kimono.
How to dress kimono decently when it gets out of shape.
How to Japan TV
Contact us:
Aki Ando, E-mail: info@attainj.co.jp
Sakai building, 2-19-8, Kandasuda-chou, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, 101-0041 Japan
Tel.03-3255-4721 Fax .03-3255-5680